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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 28- Dec- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

Are you hyped and ready? Here you go! Have fun learning, and share us with your friends and families, we know we can count on you!

Rheaumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Video
Watch from 1:12 until 3:05

1. What is causing the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues?

2. You can’t have food allergies unless you have __________.

3. Treatment for any inflammatory auto-immune disease should include support to the ______.

4. Briefly explain Leaky Gut Syndrome and how it causes inflammation?

5. Knowing this, what other supplement can you recommend to Arthritis patients aside from Arthmender? Why do you think this supplement would help?

Do not forget to come back tomorrow to compare your answers!

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times