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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 30- Dec- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

Here you go, the answers to yesterday's continuing education! Did you have fun learning just as much as we did. You know what they say. There simply isn't a stop to knowledge, it just goes on and on, hence knowledge is indeed powerful.

Rheaumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Video
Watch until 1:12 only

1. What are the common symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness of small joints in hands and feet, and sometimes wrists and knees.

2. What are the symptoms when the condition has experienced remission then becomes active again?

Fatigue, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, and muscle aches.

3. What is the major symptom or sign associated with RA that has gone severe?

The hands take an abnormal position deviating towards the out bone of the arm.

Do not forget to come back in a short while for today's quiz! We enjoy sharing our education bits with everyone!

Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times