Hi everyone
Here you go, the answers to yesterday's quiz! Did you have fun learning just as much as we did?
Oh my, it is already 31st today. How time flies!
Free Radical Explained
Watch until 1:27 only.
1. What is the relation of free radicals to aging?
They are a part of the natural aging process - they are the "rusting" process of the body.
2. What are the things that may trigger or speed up the creation of free radicals in our body?
Smoking, Exposure to Sun, Exercise, Pollution
3. Briefly explain free radical damage.
Free radicals damage molecules in your body, causing more free radicals to be formed. This damage results in damage to organs, skin, and your biological systems. Often times, this type of damage is attributed alone to aging.
So how did you score today? Better than what you have expected? Do not forget to come back in a while for today's quiz! Last quiz for the year!
Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.
Until then, stay healthy.
India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
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