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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 21- Dec- 2010 0 comments

Facts about the Food you take and your Mood

Ever wondered why most experts say you are what you eat?

“Certainly there are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune” – Jules Renard

Mood is defined as a state or quality of feeling. It changes and varies from time to time. It can be jovial one minute and very depressed the next. This reaction may be triggered by hormonal changes, underlying health conditions, or simply brought by day-to-day successes and mishaps. If you’re just having one of those gloomy moments, good news may get you off the blues. This is the well-known mood medicine. However, did you know that the food you eat can also give the same cure? Below is the list of the top 5 mood-uplifting food that can just blow your frown away.

5 Great Food to Boost Your Mood

1. Bananas contain mood-lifting power. It is packed with vitamins B6, A, C, fiber and many more.

2. Walnuts contain omega-3s, vitamin B6, tryptophan, protein, and folate that induce good mood.

3. Sunflower seeds contain a great source of folate and magnesium, which are two important nutrients for regulating and boosting mood.

4. Chocolates have the optimal combination of sweet flavor and creamy texture to cause a very effective release of endorphins, which are mood-elevating hormones. Cocoa and dark chocolates contain significant amount of antioxidant flavanols, which have been shown to improve blood flow in the brain.

5. Eggs contain folate, iron, protein, omega-3s and vitamin D, which have been shown to positively affect mood and help alleviate signs of depression.

You can also try the following recommendations to switch your bad mood into good.

Getting into a good mood quickly, when you are in a foul one, is just a few steps away. Here are some tricks you can follow to get into that good feeling.

1. Laugh it off.
Read something funny, watch a funny TV show, or have your friend/partner tell you a random joke. This helps shift your mood upwards.

2. Acknowledge gratitude.
Jot down five things that you are thankful for, and you will feel better before you complete your fifth sentence. Alternatively, write a thank you note to a person who has made life easier for you. Research proves that gratitude makes people happier.

3. Read quotes online.
Go on, log on to the funny motivational quotes available online. You will be uplifted by the end of the first page. While you are at it, share the best quotes with at least 7 most important people in your life.

4. Exercise.
Working your cardiovascular system helps elevate your mood. You will release all negativity while sweating it out. If you do not feel like heading to the gym, have a breather, take a brisk walk. Working out at a greater intensity for a shorter period of time releases endorphins that can make you feel better instantly.

5. Take a vacation
You don’t have to necessarily go travelling for days to find peace of mind. You can shut everything down by meditation. It relaxes your mind and well-being. Close your eyes and place yourself in a relaxing setting, it may be at the beach or the park while the sun sets.

To learn more about the natural approach to mood enhancement, visit cosmic-joy.com.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times