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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
We, the India Herbs team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! The past year has been amazing. We are psyched for another amazing year. We believe it will be better.
Have a joyous holiday and we will see you next year!
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
When our immune system are functioning optimally, disease-causing organisms (pathogens) are disabled and prevented from causing harm. If an immune system is underactive, pathogens may access the body largely unchecked. An overfunctioning immune system will also result in illness. Our very survival depends upon immune balance.
The immune system is an intricate web of interdependent cells and chemical messengers. Immune cells specialized for bacterial, viral, or parasitic invaders all originate in the bone marrow. The players include macrophages, which engulf and digest foreign cells; aptly named natural killer (NK) cells, which eliminate infected or cancerous cells; helper T cells; and B cells, which produce showers of protein-based antibodies, labelling cells for destruction.
Our immune system’s elegance lies in its ability to recall previous encounters. Once an organism has been identified and subdued, future responses to the same invader will be more rapid and effective. This can work against us in the case of anaphylaxis, where an initial contact with an allergen such as peanut or a bee sting primes the body’s immune system. Subsequent exposure leads to an exaggerated overreaction that can be fatal.
In light of its potentially destructive power, immune activity is tightly regulated. The intricate dance between cells and invaders is chaperoned by chemical messengers that direct the development and behaviour of all cells. Known as cytokines, these tiny compounds are responsible for the harmonious orchestration of an immune response. Cytokines such as interleukins (IL-1, IL-4, IL-12) have become the subject of much study and speculation regarding their role in inflammation, allergy, and cancer.
As our knowledge of the immune system continues to evolve, so does our understanding of natural therapies and their influence on immune function. Although all mechanisms may not yet be completely clear, simple lifestyle choices can profoundly influence immunity.
Sleep can boost your immune system
Poor quality or short sleep times are associated with decreased immune function. Adequate sleep of at least eight hours each night helps to balance the body’s processes by allowing for the normal cycling of hormones and immune cells. The hormone melatonin, produced during sleep, has been shown to increase the production of immune cells. Through consistent nightly production of this hormone, we can effectively support our immune system by simply counting sheep.
If you are deprived from a good night sleep, start by creating a sleep sanctuary: prevent any light entry through windows or doors, remove light-emitting electronics, and ensure a comfortable sleeping temperature. Aim to retire at the same time every night, and avoid stimulants such as television, caffeine, or work-related activities before sleep. If supplemental support is needed, consider valerian, magnesium, or even melatonin itself in serious or long-term cases.
Reduce chronic stress
While sleep can independently affect the immune system, sleeplessness also appears to increase markers of stress in the body. Although short-term stress can improve immune status, chronic stress is known to have detrimental effects on the immune system. While its effect is generally dampening, chronic stress can increase the production of inflammatory cytokines, worsening allergic disease such as asthma.
1. In the medical field, it has been figured out that _______ is the cause of all diseases.
2. Explain what happens to your cells as you age.
3. What is the function of the cell membrane?
4. ____ is a process that causes the cell membrane to harden and prevents it from doing its function properly.
5. ____ build up and kill the cells.
NOTE: Glycation is a process by which proteins, certain fats, and glucose tangle together. It affects all body tissues, and tends to make them stiff and inflexible. Glycation causes most problems for organs where flexibility is most important, such as the heart, kidneys, skin and eyes.
Make sure you come back next year to check on your answers!
1. What is the relation of free radicals to aging?
They are a part of the natural aging process - they are the "rusting" process of the body.
2. What are the things that may trigger or speed up the creation of free radicals in our body?
Smoking, Exposure to Sun, Exercise, Pollution
3. Briefly explain free radical damage.
Free radicals damage molecules in your body, causing more free radicals to be formed. This damage results in damage to organs, skin, and your biological systems. Often times, this type of damage is attributed alone to aging.
So how did you score today? Better than what you have expected? Do not forget to come back in a while for today's quiz! Last quiz for the year!
Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
In our fast-paced environment, sleep has become a hot trend. The number of adults who do not achieve seven hours of sleep per night has more than doubled since 1960, and overall, average sleep has declined by 1.5 hours per night in the last century.
In a large study in Sleep Medicine (2006), 30 percent of Canadian adults reported insomnia and more then 25 percent were dissatisfied with quality of sleep. The cost of insomnia in North America, via lost productivity and accidents, is estimated to be over $100 billion per year.
Insomnia is technically defined as a complaint about the quantity, quality, or timing of sleep, occurring at least three times per week for at least one month. Practically, it means not being able to get to sleep within 30 minutes and maintaining sleep for less than 85 percent of the time spent in bed.
There are many reasons for insomnia, including chronic stress, physical illnesses (particularly when pain is involved), travel through time zones, shift work, and psychological disorders. The use of prescription and over-the-counter medications such as decongestants, beta-blockers, steroid drugs, stomach acid (H-2) blockers, and antidepressants can also cause insomnia. In addition, hormonal changes associated with aging can interfere with sleep quality and quantity.
There are also significant connections between carrying excess weight and insomnia. A number of large-scale studies have consistently shown a relationship between longer sleep and a lower body mass index and decreased waist circumference.
Sleep deprivation elevates the hormone ghrelin, which promotes appetite and food intake. In a 2004 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine sleep restriction increased hunger and subsequent intake of sweet, high-calorie foods by as much as 45 percent.
Fairy Dust not Required
The value of relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, and music is supported by research. Emerging research also supports the use of aromatherapy–lavender and jasmine essential oils–in the promotion of sleep.
Herbal products remain the most popular approach to remedy insomnia.
As quoted in the American Family Physician journal (2003), “Valerian improves subjective experiences of sleep when taken nightly over one- to two-week periods, and appears to be a safe sedative/hypnotic choice in patients with mild to moderate insomnia.”
Nutritional products may also help with sleep, most notably 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and whey protein rich in alpha-lactalbumin. Clinical research shows that 5-HTP, which can boost levels of the sedating neurotransmitter serotonin, improves the amount of time in deep sleep. The alpha-lactalbumin in whey protein is rich in tryptophan, the amino acid that is converted to serotonin.
A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005) shows that alpha-lactalbumin-rich whey consumed in the evening improves sleep, mental alertness, and attention the following day. In addition, magnesium and the B vitamins thiamine and B12 may help to improve sleep quality. Insomnia related to shift work and jet lag may be improved with the use of melatonin.
We may not be able to slow down our world, but we can take steps to tuck ourselves in for a quality restful sleep.
Try changing the mood of your room, make it dark and cozy for snoozing. Another way, wake up till the sun rises, this way your body clock will be able to identify that it is time to be up and as soon as it sets, your body will be ready to rest and recover.
To learn more about ways for optimal uninterrupted sleep, visit
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
Hi everyone
Here you go, the answers to yesterday's continuing education! Did you have fun learning just as much as we did. You know what they say. There simply isn't a stop to knowledge, it just goes on and on, hence knowledge is indeed powerful.
1. What are the common symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness of small joints in hands and feet, and sometimes wrists and knees.
2. What are the symptoms when the condition has experienced remission then becomes active again?
Fatigue, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, and muscle aches.
3. What is the major symptom or sign associated with RA that has gone severe?
The hands take an abnormal position deviating towards the out bone of the arm.
Do not forget to come back in a short while for today's quiz! We enjoy sharing our education bits with everyone!
Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
Eating a nutritious diet high in raw organic produce, whole grains, and clean water can slow the aging process and fight degenerative disease. Here are ways on how to combine foods to create a diet that targets the body systems most susceptible to aging and disease-reproductive, circulatory, musculoskeletal, and digestive.
Reproductive System
Susceptible to: Prostate and testicular cancer, breast, uterine, and cervical cancer, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, lack of sexual drive, and sex hormone imbalance.
Foods to eat:
* nuts and seeds and their oils for omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids * zinc-containing foods such as pumpkin seeds, which are good for prostate health * leafy greens, whole grains, wheat germ, citrus fruits, carrots, and mangoes, which have vitamin B6 to help absorb zinc * vitamins A and C for their antioxidant power (citrus fruits, leafy greens, peppers, strawberries, cantaloupe) * vitamin E to promote estrogen production during menopause (wheat germ, broccoli, eggs, olive oil, carrots) * foods rich in vitamins B, E, and zinc, for regulating healthy sex hormones * iodine-rich foods such as kelp, seaweed, and fish to help prevent hyperthyroidism, a condition commonly associated with fibrocystic breasts.
Main foods to avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, and carbohydrates
Circulatory System
Susceptible to: Heart disease, chronic heart failure, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, and stroke
Foods to eat:
* healthy oils from fish, flax, hemp, and other nuts and seeds * raw fruits and vegetables for their soluble fibre content, which binds with cholesterol in the digestive tract and helps eliminate it * soy products for lecithin, which keeps the arterial lining free from cholesterol * wheat germ and avocados, which contain vitamin E to increase the oxygen supply to the heart and improve heart function * foods with magnesium, including chlorophyll-rich greens, figs, almonds, and wheat germ, can help treat heart arrhythmias * foods with vitamin C and E, which help maintain arterial walls.
Main foods to avoid: Anything containing trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils, including margarine
Musculoskeletal System
Susceptible to: Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, broken bones, muscle strains, generally weakened state, loss of bone, and muscle mass
Foods to eat:
* rolled oats, lettuce, sprouts and cabbage, all of which contain silica to help form bones, decrease pain in joints and increase mobility * green leafy vegetables, organic, raw dairy products and whole grains, which contain calcium, also necessary for forming bones * foods with vitamin D, including cold-water fish (salmon, cod, halibut) and egg yolk, necessary for the body to absorb calcium * magnesium-containing foods, including broccoli, barley, cashews, tofu and seaweed, to stimulate the production of calcitonin, which increases levels of calcium in bones * EFAs to lubricate joints properly and inhibit arthritis formation. Eat cold-water fish, flax seed, hemp seed and avocado * raw fruits and vegetables to minimize weight gain because excess weight puts undue stress on joints * vitamins C and E, antioxidants for eradication of free-radical damage that causes inflammation in joints; also help build cartilage around joints * turmeric, which contains anti-inflammatory curcuminoids, to help ease arthritic pain by blocking enzymes that cause inflammation in the joints.
Main foods to avoid: Members of the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, and green peppers. Foods in the nightshade family contain solanine, which interferes with the enzyme action of muscles and can cause pain; also avoid animal proteins, which produce uric acid in joints, making them painful.
Digestive System
Susceptible to: Cancers of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, colon, as well as heartburn, bloating, gas, bacterial (yeast) infections, and constipation
Foods to eat:
* raw fruits and vegetables, which contain the necessary enzymes for breaking down each main food type (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats); they also contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre binds with cholesterol and helps eliminates it; insoluble fibre acts as bulk and helps eliminate all waste quickly. Eat at least 12-one-half-cup servings of raw or steamed vegetables and fruit daily. * friendly bacteria, including Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus, which aid digestion and keep the environment of the gastrointestinal tract healthy by discouraging the growth of unfriendly bacteria such as Candida albicans. Raw, natural yogurt and kefir are good sources of friendly bacteria. * water, which hydrates your GI tract and keeps food moving through your system at an appropriate pace. Water prevents constipation so your bowels can easily remove waste and toxins from the body. It also helps your liver and skin do the same. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
Main foods to avoid: Refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, and rice), fast food, and junk food, which contribute to the growth of Candida and promote constipation. They also contribute to weight gain, which is unhealthy for a body system.
1. What is causing the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues?
Food allergies.
2. You can’t have food allergies unless you have poor bowel function.
3. Treatment for any inflammatory auto-immune disease should include support to the gastrointestinal system and identification of food allergies.
4. Brieflly explain Leaky Gut Syndrome and how it causes inflammation?
Bacterial balance is off - there is less good bacteria present and inflammation begins. Cells that line your intestines become inflamed and enlarge and allow undigested food molecules to pass into your blood stream.
5. Knowing this, what other supplement can you recommend to Arthritis patients aside from Arthmender? Why do you think this supplement would help?
Ayurtox will help improve bowel movement so waste matter is removed efficiently, good bacteria is maintained, and inflammation is prevented.
To learn more about body detoxification, visit
Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
Temptations are hard to resist. Who doesn't love all that food spread on a buffet?
However, it is time for you to take a step back and think carefully before you put that food in your mouth. According to experts, these types of food can actually accelerate the aging process.
1. Carbonated Drinks They are high in sugar content and very low in nutrients. Sugar in these drinks can also lead to obesity, thus increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Researchers found that by drinking a can of carbonated drinks every day could cause a person to gain weight of 7 kg a year.
2. Sausage Unfortunately, this can trigger colorectal cancer risk. The culprit is the N-Nitroso substances which are carcinogenic. This substance is formed when nitrite is mixed with additional ingredients of processed meat.
In addition, the sausage is usually made from lean meat. Chemicals and other additives in sausage will force your liver to work very hard to neutralize it.
3. Coffee It contains caffeine. The important thing is not many people know about caffeine is a substance that has been proven to increase stress hormones, and its effect can last for hours after consumption.
In fact, one of the greatest contributions of premature aging is a stress hormone called cortisol. High level of cortisol in your body will make your muscles fatigued and shrink faster than it normally would.
4. Chips and French Fries These foods are processed by frying at very high temperatures, thus triggering the formation of trans-fat. The habit of eating foods containing trans-fat is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Sugary pastry These foods contain lots of sugar that can lead to obesity. Pastry is often made with hydrogenated oils that also contain trans-fat.
Hydrogenated oil is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make it more compact and easier to store. However, this chemical process also produces trans-fat. Examples of this hydrogenated fats process are margarine or butter.
Trans-fat increases the risk of heart disease more than saturated fats, because it can suppress good cholesterol (LDL) and increase bad cholesterol (HDL) in blood circulation. In addition, the combination of sugar and trans-fat will make the pancreas and liver work harder.
6. Red meat Red meat does contain proteins that are important for tissue repair. However, eating too much animal protein can also trigger the loss of calcium from bone, thus inviting the risk of osteoporosis. Some research suggests that high protein intake in middle age could cause poliarthritis with inflammation, in which inflammation could occurs in more than one type of joint.
7. White rice and white bread These foods contain only little fiber and categorized as foods with high glycemic index. Such foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly potentially increasing the sugar levels rapidly.
This will also make the cell aging more quickly thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, gall bladder, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and some cancers. Other foods with high glycemik index are mashed potatoes, wheat, processed and sugary cereals.
According to experts forcing your body to process food very hard will invite free radicals. If the anti-aging food intake is insufficient to fight the free radicals then the body may age quicker and more susceptible to disease.
1. Arthritis is a disease characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness of the joints.
2. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that protects bones begins to wear, causing bones to rub painfully on another bone.
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis happens when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue resulting in joint inflammation.
4. Obesity contributes to the wearing away of vital joint cartilage by putting extra-pressure on the hips, knees and other weight-bearing joints.
5. Osteoarthritis is more common in older women due to the shortage of estrogen.
6. Noting that immune system, extra-weight, hormonal shortage are rudiments of Arthritis, what products can you recommend to address these areas in addition to Arthmender? - for the Immune System
Do not forget to come back in a while to check out on today's quiz!
Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.
Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
Adopting a change to your diet can help you trim down on your calories. They may not have to be big, start off small, and you will be able to see them all being paid off, which in turn can really result to weight loss.
The American Dietetic Association offers these suggestions to shave calories:
* Use small plates and bowls.
* Eat slowly, making meals last at least 20 minutes.
* Always place a serving onto a plate, rather than eating directly from a carton, box or bag.
* Pour drinks, except for water, into a narrow glass.