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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times - - 0 comments

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1. Eat fiber
> It helps to keep your digestive tract function smoothly.

2. 8 glasses of water daily

> It helps with the movement of food through digestive tract and eliminates wastes and acids.

3. Be fully present during the meal
> Ensure you are are not doing anything else when you are eating. When you eat without distractions, you get to enjoy the meal to the fullest. Avoid eating quickly to give your body time to process. Chew your food completely before swallowing as this allows your system to digest the food better.

4. Have lighter meals
> Having 5-6 meals throughout the day allows your stomach to work more efficiently. Your system functions optimally if it is not digesting huge amounts of food. Having lighter meals throughout the day can also speed up your metabolism.

5. Eat food with prebiotics and probiotics

> Prebiotics that feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut, comes from carbohydrate fibers called oligosaccharides. You do not digest them, so oligosaccharides remain in the digestive tract and stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

6. Exercise

> It helps promote a healtier lifestyle by increasing blood circulation to the intestinal tracts, thus encouraging the natural contraction of the muscles. It also helps speed up the passage of food through the large intestine.

7. Be happy, get rid of stress

> Stress causes a reduction of blood flow to the intestinal tracts. This makes the digestive system less efficient at processing the food you eat. Learn to relax your mind and body.

Prevention is better than cure! Your detrimental habits can be amended with a bit of persistence and conscious choices.

Have a good weekend!

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times