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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 10- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

How are you all doing today? Are you psyched for today's quiz?

Well, did you know?

Toxins are everywhere, they are found in the food you eat everyday. They are dangerous to your body and can cause a range of health problems.

Ways to avoid toxins in your food.

> Buy foods that are not processed. Processing is transforming raw ingredients into food in a factory. Most foods are processed with chemicals.

> Read the label on your food's packaging. Stay away from food additives such as toxin MSG, which is poison to the your body.

> Purchase organic hormone-free meat, eggs and milk. A hormone called diethylstilbestrol is found in 85% of all meats sold in the United States. This hormone has been proven to cause breast cancer and cancer of the reproductive organs.

> Purchase organic fruits and vegetables which are free of toxic pesticides. Risks of ingesting pesticides include, Parkinson's disease, nerve damage, some forms of cancer, miscarriage, and birth defects.

> Use unprocessed sugar (raw sugar). Steer clear of artificial sugars which are basically chemicals. Asparrtame ( Nutrasweet and Equal) is kown to cause an array of medical issues and worsen existing medical problems.


Have fun learning, and share us with your loved ones!

Toxins in MILK
Watch until 2:57 only

1. Milk is loaded with powerful __________.

2. __________ have more dose of calcium than milk.

3. Milk is filled with ____, _____, ____, ______, _______, and _______.

4. Growth Hormones can trigger the growth of _______.

Remember to come back tomorrow to compare your answers!

Have a happy midweek.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times