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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 2- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Tips to Maintain and Improve Prostate Health

You can optimize your long-term prostate health by:

1) Reversing Damage - Years of stressful living caused damage to your body. To help reverse this, Ayurstate releases hundreds of phytonutrients that act at the molecular level to repair damaged tissue, rejuvenate your prostate gland, inhibit polyamines and prostaglandins, tone smooth muscles in your urogenital system, and reduce inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland.

2) Increasing Soy Intake - Researchers believe that the increasing estrogen-to-testosterone ratio brought on by aging is one of the factors that adversely affects the size of the prostate gland. 2 ounces or more of soy in your daily diet will help decrease estrogen levels and restore proper estrogen-to-testosterone ratio that becomes skewed as men get into their 60s and beyond. Good sources of soy include tofu (soybean curd), miso, tempeh, roasted soy nuts, and soy flour or powder.

3) Increasing Selenium Intake - Selenium is essential for good prostate health. Selenium-rich foods include wheat germ, tuna, herring and other seafood and shellfish, beef liver and kidney, eggs, sunflower and sesame seeds, cashews, Brazil nuts, mushrooms, garlic, onions, and kelp.

4) Increasing Zinc Intake - 15 mg of zinc are needed daily for healthy prostate function. Pumpkin seed in the shell, oysters, beans, and nuts are excellent sources of zinc.

5) Minimizing Alcohol Consumption - Alcohol depletes both zinc and vitamin B6 (which is necessary for zinc absorption).

6) Eating Healthy - Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to get the necessary antioxidants in your diet. Avoid saturated fats, sugars and processed foods. High-fat foods like meats and dairy products can elevate testosterone level which stimulates prostate cell growth and enlargement.

7) Supplementing Diet - Take a daily multivitamin supplement which includes at least the following for supporting prostate health - Vitamin A (25,000 IU), Vitamin E (1,200 IU), and Lycopene (10 mg).

8) Improving Circulation - Perform Kegel exercises to improve blood flow to the prostate and urogenital tissues. Kegel exercises are done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus, holding, and releasing. 10 repetitions of this movement, 5-6 times daily will maximize blood flow to your prostate gland.

9) Adopting Healthy Lifestyle - Get sufficient rest and exercise regularly. Regular exercise has been shown to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, circulation, and the removal of waste matter from the body. Exercise also prevents obesity, which is a risk factor for many diseases, including cancer. Regular exercise may also reduce the risk of prostate gland enlargement.