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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 18- Nov- 2010 0 comments

When will you know enough is enough? How will you be able to differentiate the difference between the truth and lies?

1. "Shed 15kg in 15 days." This is untrue. Permanent weight loss requires lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

2. Fat is BAD. Yes we all know some fats is bad an unhealthy but there are some that are good which is also vital for your health, like essential fatty acids.

3. Carbs is BAD. There are a great range of carbohydrates that we need to distingulshlThere are unhealthy carbs such as white sugar and complex carbs such as vegetables and whole grains which provides vital vitamins and fiber to aid digestion.

4. Starve. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Starving deprives the body of the nutrients it needs for life and can lead to serious illness. Plus you lose muscle mass, not fat. Even if you do a lose a couple of kgs, you will gain them right back as soon as you raid the refrigerator again.

5. No food after 8pm. It is not what time you eat, it is WHAT you eat. It is believe that Europeans eat as late as 10 o'clock but they are half the size of Americans.

6. Diet sodas promotes weight loss. Think again. There has not been a single study to prove indeed that diet sodas help with weight loss. In fact, it may even worsen.

7. Take the pill. You cannot replace healthy eating and exercise with a pill. Pills are not a new thing, they have been tried for decades with horrible side effects.

Until then, stay heatlhy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times