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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 25- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

Here you go! The answers to yesterday's quiz!



Embarrassing Bodies - Prostatitis


1) Prostatitis is infection of the Prostate associated with bacteria or inflammation associated with no bacteria at all.

2) 95% of Prostatitis cases are non-bacterial.

3) Is there a proven treatment for chronic Prostatitis?


4) What are 2 alternative treatments used:

a) Phytotherapy

b) Anti-inflammatory

5) Name 2 Prostatitis Symptoms:

Painful urination

High frequency of urination

Increase in PSA

Difficulty to urinate

Burning Sensation

6) What are 3 causes of Prostatitis:

Bladder infection

Sexually transmitted disease


Treatments - prostate massage / Antibiotics

So how did you fair today? Did you have fun just as much as we did? Don't forget to come back in awhile for today's quiz!

Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times