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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 8- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Understanding your health needs from deep within.

" To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. " - Buddha

What are the signs that you are exercising way too much than you should?

Do not get me wrong, exercise is good, it promotes healthier lifestyle. Regular workouts are meant to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. Undeniably, there are a number of us who takes exercising to the extreme preparing themselves for an arduos marathon or triathlon.

Overdoing your workouts can actually lessen the strength and increased your body fat - your body's way of imploring for a break. Your body needs time to recover from the stress overload.

So what is the best way to recover from that tough workout?

A day or two of rest followed by a light bout of exercise. Also, ensure you are well rested, get sufficient sleep, recommended at least 8 hours which your body will repair those tiny muscle tear that occur during workouts and enabling your body to build new muscle. Get proper diet, load on the nutrients.

Signs your body is telling you if you're headed for an exercise burnout.

1) Mood swings.
Depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and irritability are common when your body is overstressed physically. These stress hormones released when you are emotionally stressed are similar to the ones when you are physically overloaded.

2) Delayed recovery time.
Persistent muscle soreness that lasts for hours or days after your workout is a definite sign that your body is in need of more rest.

3) Decreased performance.
A drop in your workout performance is one of the earliest signs of overload. Modified performance levels are often more apparent in endurance activities such as running, swimming and cycling.

4) Loss of interest in exercise.
An apparent decrease in motivation or enjoyment of the activity can be a major sign of overloaded.

5) Elevated resting heart rate.
Your heart needs to work harder each time you put stress on it. An increase in your normal resting heart rate could indicate that you're placing excessive stress on your body.

6) Fatigue.
Over-training can lead to mental or physical grogginess.

7) Insomnia.
Being in a state of overload often comes with disrupted sleep patterns, so instead of getting that much needed rest, you become restless and can't fall asleep.

8) Reduced appetite.
A change in appetite can occur in the middle to later stages of over-training, and it goes hand in hand with feelings of fatigue and lack of motivation. By slowing down the bodily processes like metabolism, the body attempts to force reduction in its workload.

9) Fat gain.
Your body responds to prolonged stress by elevating levels of stress hormones, include cortisol. Over time, this will lead to increased storage of adipose tissue, as well as inhibit steroid-like hormones that normally help increase muscle. A decrease in muscle mass can cause you to shed a few kilos, but this is not a good thing since it also meant that your body is less efficient at burning fat.

10) Weakened immune system.
Prolonged over-training can take weeks, even months, to recover from, and can put your health at risk.

Nurture your body and give it a much deserved break when it needs to rest after that tough workout.

To learn more about sherpa strength for muscle enhancement, visit http://www.sherpa-strength.com

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times