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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 12- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

Here you go, answers to yesterday's quiz! Did you have fun learning just as much as we did?

Toxins in MILK (Part 2)
Watch from 2:57 – 5:05

1. Milk is also said to be one possible reason of early puberty trend in America.

In every sip of Milk is 59 different bioactive hormones adding up to growth hormones in the body.

2. What nations in the world have the highest rates of breast cancer and Osteoporosis?

Denmark, Norway, Holland and Sweden

3. What makes the 80% of protein in Milk that is also referred to as "glue"?


How did you fair today? Well, don't forget to come back and check on us for Today's Continuing Education!

Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times