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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 19- Nov- 2010 0 comments

The reason why women wear make up is simply to enhance our looks, an improvement, to look better.

Some women's handbags are overflowing with all the latest products but research suggests that applying make up on a daily basis could actually be bad for your health.

Research has proven that women are flooding their bodies with as much as 2kg of chemicals in a year! A study has shown that that some women use more than 20 different beauty products a day while 90% of them apply make up beyond its expiration date.

Doctors has related most of the problems women face these days to the make up they use.

So, are women religiously checking on their make up as regularly as they should, keeping in mind that this or that needs to be replaced by a certain date?

It is highly unlikely. Most women has this standard mentally, to only get new ones when the old one is done. They would only get something extraordinarily new if it is the latest in the market, other than that, they would use the regular ones till they are done using them.

This is the mentally women needs to digest and take a step back.

Hold your horses ladies!

> Regularly check your make up(yes every single one of them) at the end of every month.

> If you are having a hard time separating with your half used mascara bottle despite it being way over expiration date, think of all the bacteria it has probably collected and how it will affect and eventually destroy your eye.

> Stop sharing. Yes, sharing is caring but when one of you gets an eye infection, no one really wants to share that, do you? Take care of your make up bag, and be firm when your friends start pleading with you to share. Better be safe than sorry.

> If you are that type of woman who loves her make up and has to wear them each time you head out no matter what the world says about it being bad, suggest that you pamper your skin, go for a facial cleansing, wear facial mask twice every week, purchase masks according to your skin.

> Load on the water, make sure you really have your 8 glasses a day in the bag. And while you are on it, load on your greens as well.

> Take a herbal supplement to aid you with your radiance. Nothing wrong with a 100% plant extracts pill right? Ensure you read up about the products before consuming. You can get a lot of things off the web, genuine testimonials or recommendations from all over the world. Consult a doctor if necessary.

To learn more about Radiancio, radiate beauty from inside out, visit www.radiancio.com

Until then, stay healthy and have a fabulous weekend!

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times