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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 3- Nov- 2010 1 comments

Hi Everyone,

Here are the answers to yesterday's quiz!

Men’s Sexual Health


1. Male fertility drops when they reach the age of 40.

2. What is a stem cell and how is it related to infertility?

A stem cell is the seed where all the sperms developed throughout the life.

When mutations occurs, the sperm count rate depreciate.

3. Studies say that a man’s age (during conception) can affect the baby’s health like autism, schizophrenia, and having sex once a week have a less chances of getting ED.

4. Healthy lifestyle is directly related to one’s sexual health. (True or False) TRUE

Did you had a fun time learning? How did you fair today?

Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

One Response so far.

  1. Great information provide about sexual health...
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