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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 22- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

As many of you who may have already knew, we love participating in race events. Yes, we normally participate every 2 months, as this would give us ample time to prepare the event. Plus, most of us prefers this arrangement! :P

Last Sunday, it was the Run for Hope race. Flag off was at 8am at East Coast Park, we were there early to ensure our bags were deposited and we were at the starting line in time with the hundreds of other fun runners, although it has been rumoured that it may have been at least thousand of participants. Wow.

We have never participated for a 4km run, so we were rather anxious. Plus, the massive crowd was a little intimidating. It was definitely longer than the previous races we have joined, but because of the atmosphere, it was an awesome one! We may not complete the race in our desired timing, but knowing we are part of the event, was a satisfaction itself. And this satisfaction cannot draw enough words to describe the feeling.

We truly enjoyed ourselves.

We believe this is the last run for this year, next run should be in January or February 2011, depending on the race events.

Have you joined a race lately? Join one, get your friends and families to do it together. You will be amazed and probably get hooked on it.

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times