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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 19- Nov- 2010 0 comments

Hi everyone

Here you go! The answers to yesterday's quiz! Did you have fun?

Male Infertility

1. How many percent of inability to conceive in couples are attributed to male infertility? 50%

2. Infertility is diagnosed after one full year of trying.

3. 90% of male infertility is due to deficient sperm count.

4. An abnormally enlarged vein in the scrotum which occurs in 40% of infertile men is called


How does this cause infertility among men?

Sperm 40% of the infertility cases: It causes blood to pull in the scrotum raising temperatures and killing sperm there.

5. List down the other medical problems that cause male infertility.

A. Testicular over-heating = high fevers, Excessive hot tub use, Sauna use
B. Infection of reproductive organs = usually from Chlamydia
C. Hormone release = low testosterone or high estrogen

6. Up to 70% of infertile men suffer from infection of reproductive organs, which has commonly resulted from a sexually-transmitted disease called chlamydia?

7. Low levels of Testosterone or high levels of the Estrogen can lead to difficulty in conception.

8. Emotional & physical stress also impairs sperm production.

9. What has been the major environmental cause of sperm count drop in the past decades?

Increase of pollution
Because of increased POLLUTION and INDUSTRIES = exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals can further lower men’s sperm count.

10. What factors contribute to low sperm count?

A. Vulnerable of the damage of free radicals
B. Diet deficiency
C. Consumption of drugs
D. Aging
E. Environmental Toxins

11. Deficiency in Vitamins E and C and nutrients zinc and folic cause lower sperm count.

12. By how many percent does abusive drugs like cocaine and marijuana cause decline in both the quality and quantity of sperm?

Up to 50%.

13. About 70% of men struggling with infertility revealed infection in their reproductive organs. Exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals have also been proven to lower sperm count and affect sperm quality. Having noted these, what product can you recommend along with Sukraja to work against toxin overload, which may have been contributing to their infertility problems?

Ayurtox and Immunice.

To learn more about body detoxification, visit www.ayurtox.com!

To learn more about optimal immune support, visit www.immunice.com!

Do you have any health topic you wish for us to talk about? Well, if you do, you may drop us an email at healthy@india-herbs.com and we will do whatever there is possible to find answers to your questions. We have a group of highly trained Ayurvedic doctors and we are here to help.

Until then, stay healthy!

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times