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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 28- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Why fad diets are more for the short term rather than the long term and why we should avoid them.

Detox Diet

Claims to lose a 6 kilos in 10 days, defeat cellulite, give glowing skin and no more bloating. This diet is meant to compliment other detox methods such as massages, colonic irrigation, saunas, fasting etc. Food such as fish, meat, eggs, dairy, wheat, salt, sugar etc are banned, while fruit, veg, beans, seeds, nuts are allowed. This results in a lack of nutrients, lowered immune system, a temporary weight loss, mainly water. It can lead to yo-yo dieting, nausea, sickness and headaches. It is said to causes food cravings, resulting in eventually giving up! It can also cause eating disorders and there is no good evidence of it actually working!

Low Carb / Atkins Die

The aim of low carb diets is to force the body to use its own fat as its main energy source. This produces something called ketone bodies to fuel body parts that can not use fat as an energy source such as the brain and red blood cells. This puts you in a state of ketosis - resulting in smelly breath and side effects like fatigue and nausea. These diets do produce short term results, which actually come from loss of muscle tissue and water. They are not a long term weight loss solution and are unhealthy if sustained.

Starvation Diet

Starving yourself is one of the worst diets that you could try. Ok, you may initially lose a lot of weight but the effect this has on your body is drastic! You will be extremely lacking much needed nutrition and this will lead to fatigue, lack of sex drive and hormones, sleep loss, possible hypothermia, poor concentration and judgement, depression, anxiety, personality changes, social withdrawal, your metabolism will dramatically slow down, you will lose organ tissue and muscles, you can get shakes, feel the cold more, and feel very week. Low calorie intakes actually slow down weight loss.

Hollywood Diet

This is basically a 24 or 48 hour 'Juice Fast' where you eat no food in this time. This diet has the same cons as the starvation diet. You are really just losing excess water in the body with this diet and it does'nt last long, you will soon put that weight back on. It is expensive to buy the juice, around $25! You will get no protein or iron in the body, and will be taking lots of sugar and carbs. Tastes good at first but soon turns very sickly.

Cabbage Soup Diet

This is a 7 day diet plan which supposedly offers a fast weight loss solution. This is a very short term solution and is not sustainable so is'nt a viable option for long term weight loss. There are a few benefits to this diet which include fast weight loss, a healthy beneficial change from eating junk food, and research has shown that cabbage helps to prevent cancer. However, the drawbacks do outweigh these benefits somewhat significantly. The soup is high in salt, lacking in good overall nutrition - low in protein, calcium, essential fatty acids, high in sodium and MSG, requires much will power as the soup tastes very bland and is extremely repetitive, gives you gas!, and most of all this is not a healthy sustainable solution to long-term weight loss. This diet will most probably make you GAIN weight as it has a very low calorie intake and you can get bloated!

There really is no substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise if you want to lose weight and live an overall healthier and more active lifestyle.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 28- Feb- undefined 0 comments

If you have a chronic illness - such as diabetes, arthritis or heart disease - you can take an active role in managing your health.

Guidelines -

Create specific goals and an action plan for how you'll reach those goals.
Create backup plans -- for example, what you'll do for exercise when the weather is bad.
Feel confident in your ability to reach your goals; if they seem too tough, reconsider your goals.
Check in frequently with your doctor to discuss your progress and any problems.

To opt for an alternative healing, you may contact our health advisors at healthy@india-herbs.com

Until then, stay healthy.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 16- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Combat weight gain with a few easy food swaps and lighten your carb load.

1. Opt for mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes.

2. Opt for sliced eggplant instead of lasagna noodles.

3. Opt for almond flour instead of white flour.

4. Opt for spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti.

5. Opt for baked apples instead of apple pie.

6. Opt for all-bran instead of granola.

7. Opt for a whole orange instead of orange juice.

8. Opt for Portobello Mushrooms instead of pizza crust.

9. Opt for Seltzer with lime instead of soda.

10. Opt for mixed nuts instead of potato chips.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 16- Feb- undefined 0 comments

Eating requires lots of energy if you choose the right foods.

1. Chewy Foods (lean meats, nuts, whole fruits and vegetables)

These calories make your body work right off the fork. To maximize the chew factor, choose food in its most whole state—a tuna steak instead of canned tuna, apples instead of applesauce.

2. Hearty Foods (fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole grains and cereals)

In addition to being chewy, these Active Calories are packed with fiber, take up more room in your belly (compared with other foods of the same number of calories), and leave less room for second helpings.

3. Energizing Foods (coffee, black and green tea, dark chocolate)

You can get metabolism-boosting caffeine in coffee and black tea; just be careful not to load them up with milk, cream, or sugar. Green tea doesn't have much caffeine but does contain catechins, an antioxidant that raises resting metabolism by 4% (about 80 calories a day). Dark chocolate contains both catechins and caffeine, but stick to 1 ounce per day to limit fat and calories.

4. Warming Foods (peppers, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, cloves, mustard, vinegar)

Dieters taking capsaicin, the chemical that gives peppers their burn, doubled their energy expenditure for several hours after eating, according to a new study from UCLA. Even mild peppers contain compounds that help erase up to 100 calories a day by binding to nerve receptors and sending fat-burning signals to your brain. Not much of a pepper person? Cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, and garlic help too.

Watch that food the next time you order!

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 15- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Water's pretty good for you. It stokes your metabolism so you burn more calories all day. It helps you stay energized, keeps you regular, and can improve your skin. If you replace just one caloric beverage with water each day, you can lose more than 20 pounds in a year—without doing anything else.

1. Add cucumbers

The resulting flavor is refreshing, and refreshingly different. And it may help you in the bedroom: The scent of cucumber has been found to increase vaginal blood flow in women by up to 13 percent, increasing libido.

2. Sparkling

Grab a bottle of sparkling water for the bubbly feeling of a soft drink without the calories. If it’s too bland, add a twist of lime or a splash of sugar-free fruit juice.
Try different combinations to keep things interesting, or to find your signature seltzer refresher.

3. Tea time

Choose any of the innumerable varieties of teas and herbal drinks, not only to stay hydrated, but also to reap piles of benefit for your body. Black tea contains catechins, flavonoids that can improve cardiovascular health and may help prevent cancer. Green tea lowers your risk of heart disease, reduces your risk of lung cancer, and can help your body burn fat more easily—the polyphenols in the tea appear to work with caffeine to increase calorie burn.

And take advantage of herbal teas’ many properties. Sage tea can help with excessive perspiration. Chamomile can help control blood pressure, and ease digestion and gas. Ginger tea can soothe your stomach and ease arthritis pain.

4. A bowl of broth

Broth is a great hydrator, and you're getting all those nutrients—vitamins from the vegetables, and protein from the chicken.

5. Go herbal

You don’t have to brew herbs to enjoy their flavor. Add powdered or freshly sliced ginger, bruised mint leaves, or lemongrass to amp up your H2O . Or go floral. Lavender and rose hips are loaded with vitamin C and may help ease arthritis pain.

6. Kubes

Freeze some fruit juice into ice cubes to add flavor that releases slowly in your water. Or drop some fresh berries or sliced grapes into your ice cube trays, or use frozen berries as if they were cubes. Changing just the texture of your cubes can create a new experience, if not taste, says Jack. So trade cubed for crushed, or vice versa.

7. Slimming cocktail

Add fresh ginger, cucumber, lemon and spearmint for a belly pleasing cocktail.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 15- Feb- undefined 0 comments

1. Avoid tobacco

Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes is as bad for the heart and arteries as it is for the lungs. If you smoke, quitting is the biggest gift of health you can give yourself. Secondhand smoke is also toxic, so avoid it whenever possible.

2. Drink alcohol in moderation

If you drink alcohol, limit your intake — one to two drinks a day for men, no more than one a day for women.

3. Aim for a healthy weight

Carrying extra pounds, especially around the belly, strains the heart and tips you toward diabetes. If you are overweight, losing just 5 percent to 10 percent of your starting weight can make a big difference in your blood pressure and blood sugar.

Be active. Exercise and physical activity are about the closest things you have to magic bullets against heart disease and other chronic conditions. Any amount of activity is better than none; at least 30 minutes a day is best.

4. Enliven your diet

Add fruits and vegetables, whole grains, unsaturated fat, good protein (from beans, nuts, fish, and poultry), and herbs and spices. Subtract processed foods, salt, rapidly digested carbohydrates (from white bread, white rice, potatoes, and the like), red meat, and soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages.

5. Set goals and track progress

6. Find your motivation and seek support

7. Reward yourself and realize you are not perfect

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 14- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Let's face it. Bad breath is embarrassing.

1. Chew on spices

There are herbs and spices in your kitchen that can be used as natural breath enhancers. Carry a tiny plastic bag of cloves, fennel, or anise seeds to chew after odoriferous meals.

2. Brush your tongue

Most people overlook their tongue. Your tongue is covered with little hair-like projections, which under a microscope look like a forest of mushrooms. Under the caps of the 'mushrooms,' there's room to harbor plaque and some of the things we eat. That causes bad breath.

While brushing, gently sweep the top of your tongue, too, so that you don't leave food and bacteria behind to breed bad breath.

3. Ban certain beverages.

Coffee, beer, wine and whiskey are at the top of the list of liquid offenders. Each leaves a residue that can attach to the plaque in your mouth and infiltrate your digestive system. Each breath you take spews traces back into the air.

4. Have your toothbrush with you

Some odors can be eliminated—permanently or temporarily—if you brush immediately after a meal. The main culprit in bad breath is a soft, sticky film of living and dead bacteria that clings to your teeth and gums. That film is called plaque. At any time, there are 50 trillion of these microscopic organisms loitering in your mouth. They sit in every dark corner, eating each morsel of food that passes your lips, collecting little smells, and producing little odors of their own. As you exhale, the bacteria exhale. So brush away the plaque after each meal and get rid of some of the breath problem.

5. Eat your parsley

Parsley adds more than green to your lunch plate; it's also a breath-saver, because it contains chlorophyll, a known breath deodorizer. So pick up that sprig garnishing your plate and chew it thoroughly. Or toss a few handfuls (even add some watercress to the mix) in a juicer. Sip the juice anytime you need to refresh your breath.

6. Chew a mint or gum

Like mouthwash, a breath mint or minty gum is just a cover-up, good for a short interview, a short ride in a compact car or a very short date.

7. Easy on the cheese

Camembert, Roquefort, and blue cheese are called strong for good reason—they get a hold on your breath and don't let go. Other dairy products may have the same effect.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 14- Feb- undefined 0 comments

Some foods in our diet actually leach the minerals right out of the bone, or they block the bone's ability to regrow.

Here, the six biggest bone-sappers -

1. Salt

It saps calcium from the bones, weakening them over time. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 milligrams of calcium, dietitians say.
Avoid processed foods. Studies has shown that most Americans get 75% of their sodium not from the table salt but from processed foods.

Key foods to avoid include processed and deli meats, frozen meals, canned soup, pizza, fast food such as burger and fries and canned vegetables.

2. Soft drinks

The fizziness in carbonated drinks often comes from phosphoric acid, which ups the rate at which calcium is excreted in the urine. Meanwhile, of course, soft drinks fill you up and satisfy your thirst without providing any of the nutrients you might get from milk or juice.

When you're tempted to reach for a cola, instead try milk, calcium- and vitamin D-fortified orange juice, or a fruit smoothie made with yogurt. Or just drink water when you're thirsty, and eat a diet high in bone-building nutrients.

3. Caffeine

The numbers for caffeine aren't as bad as for salt, but caffeine's action is similar, leaching calcium from bones. For every 100 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in a small to medium-sized cup of coffee), you lose 6 milligrams of calcium. That's not a lot, but it can become a problem if you tend to substitute caffeine-containing drinks like iced tea and coffee for beverages that are healthy for bones, like milk and fortified juice.

Limit yourself to one or two cups of coffee in the morning, then switch to other drinks that don't have caffeine's bone-sapping action. Adding milk to your coffee helps to offset the problem, of course.

4. Vitamin A

In the case of vitamin A, recent research is proving that you really can get too much of a good thing. Found in eggs, full-fat dairy, liver, and vitamin-fortified foods, vitamin A is important for vision and the immune system. But the American diet is naturally high in vitamin A, and most multivitamins also contain vitamin A. So it's possible to get much more than the recommended allotment of 5,000 IUs (international units) a day—which many experts think is too high anyway.
Postmenopausal women, in particular, seem to be susceptible to vitamin A overload. Studies show that women whose intake was higher than 5,000 IUs had more than double the fracture rate of women whose intake was less than 1,600 IUs a day.

Switch to low-fat or nonfat dairy products only, and eat egg whites rather than whole eggs (all the vitamin A is in the yolk). Also check your multivitamin, and if it's high in vitamin A, switch to one that isn't.

5. Alcohol

Think of alcohol as a calcium-blocker; it prevents the bone-building minerals you eat from being absorbed. And heavy drinking disrupts the bone remodeling process by preventing osteoblasts, the bone-building cells, from doing their job. So not only do bones become weaker, but when you do suffer a fracture, alcohol can interfere with healing.

Limit your drinking to one drink a day, whether that's wine, beer, or hard alcohol.

6. Hydrogenated Oils

Recent studies have found that the process of hydrogenation, which turns liquid vegetable oil into the solid oils used in commercial baking, destroys the vitamin K naturally found in the oils. Vitamin K is essential for strong bones, and vegetable oils such as canola and olive oil are the second-best dietary source of this key nutrient, after green leafy vegetables. However, the amounts of vitamin K we're talking about are tiny here—one tablespoon of canola oil has 20 micrograms of K, and one tablespoon of olive oil has 6 micrograms, as compared with 120 micrograms in a serving of spinach.

If you're eating your greens, you don't need to worry about this too much. If you're a big lover of baked goods like muffins and cookies, bake at home using canola oil when possible, and read labels to avoid hydrogenated oils.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 11- Feb- 2011 0 comments

If you are feeling lethargic or fatigue after you eat, you are eating the wrong foods. The trick is to opt for foods that release energy more slowly and give you a gradual boost of long lasting energy, and to stay away from high-glycemic foods that deliver an immediate, short-lived boost but leave you feeling sluggish and tired.

Eating the right foods is especially important if you're already feeling fatigued due to the stress of a hectic lifestyle, whether it stems from physical, mental, or emotional overexertion. After all, fatigue isn't just a nuisance; if ignored, it can become chronic and put you at increased risk for disease.

You can fight fatigue, and you can do it with every bite you eat.


Although oatmeal isn't particularly low on the glycemic index, it outranks almost every other breakfast cereal and most whole-grain breakfast products. Oatmeal is also regarded as a super food when it comes to supporting digestive health.

For those reasons, many medical practitioners and nutritionists not only allow their diabetic patients to eat oatmeal but actually encourage it, especially since oatmeal helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Why it works?
Carbohydrates spend the least amount of time in the stomach, which means you get a quick boost of energy. But unlike processed, sugary cereals, whole oats don't result in a sugar crash. The high dietary fiber content in oats helps you feel full longer, preventing overeating throughout the day, which can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and fatigue.

Fiber is also crucial to healthy digestion; the soluble fiber in oats feeds the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract and prevents energy-draining constipation.

In addition to its high fiber content, oatmeal provides magnesium, protein, and phosphorus, three nutrients that significantly and directly affect energy levels, making it an ideal food for fighting fatigue.

It's also a good source of vitamin B1 (thiamin), which is crucial for producing energy. Symptoms of too little B1 include a lack of energy and loss of appetite. Along with other nutrients, vitamin B1 helps support the breakdown and conversion to energy of the food we eat.


Yogurt is so creamy and flavorful, it can seem like a dessert masquerading as a health food. But the truth is, it's really good for you, thanks to a power play of protein and gut-healthy probiotics.

Why it works?
Because it's soft, your body processes yogurt more quickly than a solid food, making it a great source of quick energy. But while you get a rapid result, it's also long-lasting, thanks to a good ratio of protein to carbohydrates. Protein stays in the stomach longer than carbohydrates, which translates into a steady source of energy.

Yogurt also contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut ecosystem by protecting against pathogens and helping your body eliminate harmful bacteria. Like fiber, probiotics are a powerful digestive aid.

Recent research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotics can help ease symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome; in the study, probiotic supplementation appeared to boost levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain.

Tryptophan is famously known as the component in turkey that makes you sleepy, but it's also a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps induce sleep and promote feelings of calm and tranquility, helping to combat both physical and emotional fatigue.


Spinach is chock-full of nutrients that are essential for battling fatigue and helping our bodies perform at their peak. Not only is spinach one of the most iron-dense food sources on earth, it's also extremely rich in magnesium and potassium and is an excellent source of energy-supporting B-vitamins.

Why it works?
Iron plays a direct and important role in fighting fatigue. It's a known energy booster, helping the body produce energy by delivering oxygen to the cells and enabling them to perform optimally. Without sufficient oxygen, our cells slow down and can even shut down altogether. Low iron levels can cause both physical and mental fatigue, as well as anemia. Symptoms of anemia include tiredness, lack of energy, weakness, trouble concentrating, apathy, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

Spinach and other leafy greens offer a high rate of iron for an extremely low caloric intake. Spinach also happens to be an excellent source of vitamin C, which boosts iron absorption. Magnesium is another mineral that plays a vital role in the production of energy. In fact, it's involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions throughout the body and directly affects our cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems; muscles; kidneys; liver; and brain.

Magnesium is necessary for the production of energy, proper digestion, and the regulation of nerve and muscle tone. It's no wonder that a lack of magnesium can cause our brains and bodies to slow. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the U.S. Even a slight deficiency can result in reduced energy levels, which causes your body to work harder and can lead to exhaustion. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include imbalanced blood sugar levels, depression, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, muscle soreness, body tension, low energy, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, confusion, and lack of appetite.

Like magnesium, potassium also helps muscles and nerves function properly. Physical overexertion is a common cause of potassium deficiency, but it can also occur if you become dehydrated due to illness or for any other reason. Symptoms of potassium deficiency include muscle weakness, confusion, and fatigue.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are nutrient-dense foods packed with high-quality protein and healthy omega-3 fats. Depending on the type you choose, you'll also get decent amounts of manganese; magnesium; phosphorus; iron; copper; riboflavin; vitamins B1, B2, B5, and B6; and tryptophan -- all of which are involved in the production of energy.

Why they work?
Pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts are all good sources of magnesium, which helps fight muscle fatigue. The tryptophan found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, and almonds battles emotional fatigue and promotes sleep, which can ease physical weariness. And all nuts and seeds are excellent sources of high-quality protein that our bodies can convert into lasting energy.

But what makes nuts and seeds such potent weapons in the war against fatigue is that they're a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are known as essential fats because they're the only fats our bodies actually require. These healthy fats not only lower the glycemic index of foods but are also a superior energy source. Fats stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates and proteins; the result is a slow-burning fuel that provides long-lasting energy. Omega-3s help maintain healthy cells and are found naturally in almost all nuts and seeds. Flaxseeds and walnuts are particularly rich in these healthy fats.

Omega-3s (and frequent consumption of nuts in particular) have been found to reduce the risk of becoming obese and aid in weight loss by slowing digestion, which results in a prolonged feeling of fullness, preventing extra snacking that can lead to weight gain, a common contributor to fatigue. Finally, these essential fatty acids boost mood, helping to win the fight against emotional fatigue.


Beans have been called a miracle food, and with good reason. Along with the numerous other health benefits they provide, beans are on the frontlines when it comes to fighting fatigue. Beans are a concentrated source of stable, slow-burning energy due to their unique nutritional composition: All types are low in fat, high in fiber, and provide a good balance of carbohydrates and protein.

Take your pick of beans; they have a low glycemic rating (to help you avoid blood sugar spikes) and are loaded with a rich array of minerals including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and iron, all essential to producing energy. Additionally, super-performing beans -- especially soybeans -- are a good source of tryptophan.

Why they work?
The protein and high fiber content in beans work together to help balance blood sugar and prevent spikes and dips in energy. The fiber also promotes digestive health, encourages bowel regularity, and helps prevent constipation and weight gain. Thanks to the protein in beans, you get a gradual source of lasting energy.

Beans make a terrific replacement for red meat, another rich source of protein and iron, but beans are lower in calories and are nearly fat-free. In addition, beans place a lesser burden on the digestive system than red meat, requiring less energy to be assimilated into the body. In other words, you're a lot more likely to feel tired and heavy after eating a steak than you are after eating a serving of beans.

The manganese and copper in beans protect the mitochondria in our cells that are responsible for energy production, while magnesium relaxes nerves and muscles and keeps blood circulating smoothly, keeping physical and mental fatigue at bay.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) contributes to energy production, and, along with potassium, supports proper muscle and nerve function. And last -- but not least -- there's iron. Iron not only helps produce energy, it also boosts oxygen distribution throughout body, easing mental fatigue. Iron provides immune system support as well -- and a healthy immune system makes you less susceptible to fatigue in all its forms.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 11- Feb- undefined 0 comments

Here's a list of common aging-related changes — and what you can do to promote good health at any age.

Your cardiovascular system

Over time, your heart muscle becomes less efficient — working harder to pump the same amount of blood through your body. In addition, your blood vessels lose some of their elasticity and hardened fatty deposits may form on the inner walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). These changes make your arteries stiffer, causing your heart to work even harder to pump blood through them. This can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension) and other cardiovascular problems.

What you can do about it. To promote heart health, include physical activity in your daily routine. Try walking, swimming or other physical activities. Eat a healthy diet, including plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit. Your risk of heart disease will begin to fall almost immediately.

Your bones, joints and muscles

With age, bones tend to shrink in size and density — which weakens them and makes them more susceptible to fracture. You might even become a bit shorter. Muscles generally lose strength and flexibility, and you may become less coordinated or have trouble balancing.

What you can do about it. Include plenty of calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Build bone density with weight-bearing activities, such as walking. Consider strength training at least twice a week, too. By stressing your bones, strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Building muscle also protects your joints from injury and helps you maintain flexibility and balance.

Your digestive system

Constipation is more common in older adults. Many factors can contribute to constipation, including a low-fiber diet, not drinking enough fluids and lack of exercise. Various medications, including diuretics and iron supplements, may contribute to constipation. Certain medical conditions, including diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome, may increase the risk of constipation as well.

What you can do about it. To prevent constipation, drink water and other fluids and eat a healthy diet — including plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. If you're taking medications that may contribute to constipation, ask your doctor about alternatives.

Your bladder and urinary tract

Loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence) is common with aging. Health problems such as obesity, frequent constipation and chronic cough may contribute to incontinence — as can menopause, for women, and an enlarged prostate, for men.

What you can do about it. Urinate more often. If you're overweight, lose excess pounds. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit. Pelvic muscle exercises (Kegel exercises) might help, too. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping your stream of urine. Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day. If these suggestions don't help, ask your doctor about other treatment options.

Your memory

Memory tends to becomes less efficient with age, as the number of cells (neurons) in the brain decreases. It may take longer to learn new things or remember familiar words or names.

What you can do about it. To keep your memory sharp, include physical activity in your daily routine and eat a healthy diet. It's also helpful to stay mentally and socially active. If you're concerned about memory loss, consult your doctor.

Your eyes and ears

With age, the eyes are less able to produce tears, the retinas thin, and the lenses gradually become less clear. Focusing on objects that are close up may become more difficult. You may become more sensitive to glare and have trouble adapting to different levels of light. Your hearing may dim somewhat as well. You may have difficulty hearing high frequencies or following a conversation in a crowded room.

What you can do about it. Schedule regular vision and hearing exams — then follow your doctor's advice about glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and other corrective devices. To prevent further damage, wear sunglasses when you're outdoors and use earplugs when you're around loud machinery or other loud noises.

Your teeth

Your mouth may begin to feel drier and your gums may pull back (recede) from your teeth. With less saliva to wash away bacteria, your teeth and gums become slightly more vulnerable to decay and infection. Your teeth also may darken slightly and become more brittle and easier to break.

What you can do about it. Brush your teeth twice a day and clean between your teeth — using regular dental floss or an interdental cleaner — once a day. Visit your dentist or dental hygienist for regular dental checkups.

Your skin

With age, your skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile. You may notice that you bruise more easily. Decreased production of natural oils may make your skin drier and more wrinkled. Age spots can occur, and small growths called skin tags are more common.

What you can do about it. Bathe in warm — not hot — water, and use mild soap and moisturizer. When you're outdoors, use sunscreen and wear protective clothing. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit. Smoking contributes to skin damage, such as wrinkling.

Your weight

Maintaining a healthy weight — or losing weight if you're overweight — is more difficult as you get older. Muscle mass tends to decrease with age, which leads to an increase in fat. Since fat tissue burns fewer calories than does muscle, you may need to reduce the number of calories in your diet or increase your physical activity simply to maintain your current weight.

What you can do about it. To prevent unwanted weight gain, include physical activity in your daily routine and eat a healthy diet. Also keep an eye on portion sizes. You might not need to eat as much as you used to.

Your sexuality

With age, sexual needs, patterns and performance may change. Illness or medication may affect your ability to enjoy sex. For women, vaginal dryness can make sex uncomfortable. For men, impotence may become a concern. It may take longer to get an erection, and erections may not be as firm as they used to be.

What you can do about it. Share your needs and concerns with your partner. You might experiment with different positions or sexual activities. Be open with your doctor, too. He or she may offer specific treatment suggestions — such as estrogen cream for vaginal dryness or oral medication for erectile dysfunction.

Remember, it's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You can't stop the aging process, but you can minimize the impact by making healthy lifestyle choices.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 10- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Appetite is both a psychological and physical phenomenon. Sometimes we eat when we're bored, stressed, or just because it's "time" to eat, even though we're not really hungry. There are many weight loss programs and diet pills marketed as appetite suppressants; this article will show you some things you can do to decrease your appetite naturally.

1. Brush your teeth

Many of us do not feel like eating after they do this, especially since it makes many food taste bad. This will motivate you to stay away from the food.

2. Drink water or (unsweetened) herbal tea

Do this throughout the day. Ensure you maintain sufficient fluid in your body.

3. Exercise

Aerobic exercise and weight training change your body's hormone levels in a way that temporarily curtails appetite., but aerobic exercise is more effective because it affects two hormones instead of just one. However, there is a tendency to compensate with later food intake following exercises.

4. Drink some coffee or tea

The caffeine curtails appetite in some people. Forget the sugar if you're trying to lose weight.

5. Do something you like for 20-30 minutes

Get away from the usual tasks and immerse yourself in something that interests you. Most hunger pangs will pass during that amount of time. Then find something else to do (eating can be a way to cope with boredom).

6. Imagine yourself eating something that's repulsive to you.

7. Do something repulsive, like cleaning the toilet or the litterbox.

8. Smell something putrid

A whiff of a dumpster will usually do the trick. So will passing by someone with a terrible odour. For others, even just a very strong perfume or cologne can make their stomach turn.

9. Eat something that makes you full easily but has less calories

A simple soup (mostly water) or salad (mostly greens) will do the trick.

10. Get enough sleep

Insufficient sleep lowers level of leptin in your body, with the result being that you feel hungrier.

11. Add more fiber to your diet

Load up on your vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, fresh and dried fruits.

12. Add more protein to your diet

Load up on your milk, soy milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, lean meats, fish and poultry.

13. Avoid sugary foods

In many, especially those who are already prone to obesity, large amounts of sugar will quickly spike your blood sugar, leaving you tired and hungrier than before.

14. Eat slowly

Using a smaller spoon helps. You need about 20 minutes from the beginning of a meal to get the full feeling. This is how long it takes for the brain to send the signal of content. If you eat fast, you end up eating a lot in 20 minutes.

15. Try swapping for a blue plate.

The colour blue naturally decreases appetite, verses the colours yellow or red which increases appetite.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 10- Feb- undefined 0 comments

New research shows that obesity is on the rise worldwide -- it's doubled since 1980 -- but people in the wealthiest nations are managing to reduce their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Obesity remains a huge problem, particularly outside Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2008, almost 10 percent of men and 14 percent of women in the world were estimated to be obese. That's up from 5 percent and 8 percent, respectively, in 1980.

The average body mass index -- a measurement that takes into account a person's height and weight -- was pegged at 34 to 35 in some island nations in the Pacific. People with a BMI higher than 30 are considered to be obese.

The United States reached the highest level among wealthy countries with an average BMI of 28, putting its residents in the overweight range. New Zealand and Australia also had notably overweight people on average, while women in Turkey and men in the Czech Republic had the highest average BMIs in Europe.

Blood pressure levels were found to be lowest in South Korea, Cambodia, Australia, Canada and the United States, and highest in Portugal, Finland and Norway. Countries in Africa and the Baltic region also had high average blood pressure levels.

Cholesterol levels were highest in some Western European countries (such as Greenland, Iceland and Germany) and lowest in Africa. Among wealthier Western countries, cholesterol rates were lowest in the United States, Canada, Greece and Sweden.

The ultimate effect of the rise in obesity should be higher levels of diabetes, although medications and other medical treatments may dampen the increase.

Don't assume there's little we can do as individuals and nations. We are not getting heavier because our genes are changing.

Let's work on changing our food supply and environment, reducing poverty, enhancing education about health promotion, and keeping moving.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 9- Feb- 2011 0 comments

While the causes of type 1 diabetes aren't known for certain, a new analysis backs the possibility that cold-like viruses might trigger the disease.

Australian researchers looked at a number of studies, and concluded there is a strong association between enteroviruses and the development of type 1 diabetes. In fact, children with diabetes were 10 times more likely to have had an enterovirus infection than children without the disease.

The finding implies that enterovirus infection is a very important cause of type 1 diabetes.

The idea that enteroviruses are involved in the development of type 1 diabetes is not new, but this study makes use of new data that makes the association more likely.

It is time to look at how these viruses are involved in the disease process. The goal would be to find a way to stop these viruses from contributing to diabetes -- potentially leading to vaccination.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic factors, the immune system and environmental factors, the researchers explained. And enteroviruses are common viruses in infants and children. Enteroviruses can cause cold or flu symptoms, fever, muscle aches, rash or even meningitis.

Recently, there has been a worldwide increase in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes, especially in children under 5, which could be partially because of more exposure to these viruses, the researchers suggested.

The increased incidence rate of type 1 diabetes can be explained by a role of environmental factors, especially enteroviruses, like coxsackievirus B.

However, it is unclear whether enteroviruses are involved in all patients or just some, he added. "Enteroviruses could act as inducers of the disease or as accelerators of the progression of the disease. A persistent infection or consecutive infections could play a role.

The relationship between enteroviruses and type 1 diabetes opens up the possibility of developing new preventive and therapeutic strategies to fight the disease.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce insulin, which is essential in metabolizing sugar. The resulting extra sugar in the blood can cause serious complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, loss of sight or limbs and an early death. The condition is controlled with doses of insulin and a diet that keep blood sugar levels in normal ranges.

In Type 2 diabetes, which is far more common, the body produces insulin but doesn't utilize it properly. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 is linked to overeating and under-exercising.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 9- Feb- undefined 0 comments

It's important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar (glucose) levels stable. That means taking all medication as prescribed, and following a healthy lifestyle.

When blood glucose levels become too high, the medical condition is called hyperglycemia. The American Diabetes Association offers this list of potential causes:

* If you're a type 1 diabetic, getting insufficient insulin.
* If you're a type 2 diabetic, the insulin your body produces may not be processed effectively.
* Overeating, or lack of exercise.
* Having an illness or infection.
* Being under emotional stress.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 8- Feb- 2011 0 comments

All of us are on the path of searching for the fountain of youth while we age. There are many things that will affect our skin over our time, and don’t think it is just smoking and sun exposure.

There a loads of small but bad habits that we have, and that we wouldn’t even think would make us look older but they do. Don’t add years to your look by making the following mistakes.

1. It’s not called beauty sleep for nothing

Not only does insufficient sleep exhumes tiredness and fatigue, but it’s vital that you get enough sleep because at night so your skin goes into rejuvenation and renewal mode. This isn’t only the time when the skin repairs itself, but there is also a difference in the PH and circulation so anti-aging products penetrate better. Dark circles and bags under the eyes don’t just make you look tired, but they also make you look older.

2. Don’t sleep on your side

Now that you are getting that well needed sleep, it is important to try not to sleep in the foetal position on your side. When you face is pressed to a pillow for seven hours or more a night, over time the skin breaks down which will lead to wrinkles.

3. Being skinny

When you are underweight you can add years to your looks and researchers found that women who have a BMI that is under or normal can look two to four years older than the heavier counterparts. Loss of weight on the face, or facial fat will cause the skin to sag and give a gaunt, aged appearance.

4. Rubbing your eyes

It’s natural to want to rub our eyes when they are itchy or have something in them, but rubbing the delicate skin around your eyes will make you appear older than you are because it results in dark circles, wrinkles and stretched skin. Over time we damage the weak tissues that surround the eyes as it is thinner here than anywhere else in the body.

5. Intensive facial scrubs

While it is important to exfoliate your skin, scrubbing more than once a week will damage the epidermis and therefore weaken the protective functions that it has leaving it prone to negative results.

6. Sipping through a straw

While you may think sipping through a straw looks seductive you are actually causing the appearances of wrinkles around your lips. The same effects will occur when you smoke, and the little lines and wrinkles that become notable are pretty much irreversible.

7. Expressions

While movement of the face shows emotions to others and is a way for people to tell your response to things, but screwing up your face in dislike to something will give you wrinkles. Similarly expressions that you think are cute, like outing, will also result in fine lines.

8. Stress

Cortisol, which is a hormone and released when we are stressed, actually breaks collagen down in which then leads to skin that sags and wrinkles. Stress and worry also cause frowning, and over time the muscles in the face actually conform to that movement.

9. Smoking

We all know that smoking is a habit that it bad for us, but it actually ages us also. Smoking breaks down the collagen, and when this happens, repeated facial expressions cause small lines and wrinkles to develop early. When someone pulls on a cigarette, like sucking through a straw, it causes lines around the lips. Smokers also develop a yellow tint to their skin and studies can detect the beginnings of aging in smokers as early as their 20s.

10. Eating junk

People who don’t eat the right foods will have aging issues and although you won’t see or feel the changes overnight you will definitely notice it in ten to 15 years. You need a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables everyday as they give you fluids, fibre and antioxidants which are substances that slow the deterioration of the body.

11. Hands and neck

Make sure that you don’t forget about your hands and your neck. As they hardly get any attention they are the first to give away our age.

12. Sunglasses

It’s important to wear sunglasses because constant squinting and frowning when we are in the sunlight causes lines and wrinkles over time. It is also important to wear them when you are in the sun, because sun exposure breaks down collagen in the skin around the eyes and can cause pigmentation.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 8- Feb- undefined 0 comments

The sugar and acids in soda cause tooth decay and weaken gums and jawbones. Here are some tips to minimize the damage done by sodas for healthy teeth.

Sugar Plus Acid Equal Tooth Decay and Dental Problems

Regular sodas can contain the equivalent of nine to 12 teaspoons of sugar per can. Get an extra large drink, and the amount of sugar is supersized, too. While many people find the sweet taste of soda enjoyable, the bacteria in the mouth consider all that sugar an all-you-can-eat buffet. The sugar interacts with the bacteria, producing acid which can cause dental erosion and weaken gums.

It takes 20 minutes or less for the acids in the mouth to start eating away at tooth enamel. A constant diet of sodas means a lot more visits to the dentist in the future.
The Acid in Diet Sodas Are Just as Bad for Dental Health

Switching to diet sodas because they seem healthier won't work. Although diet sodas don't contain sugar, they still contain chemicals that can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities.

Automotive mechanics might reach for phosphoric acid to clean battery terminals, but they wouldn't want to drink it. Surprise. Sodas also contain carbonic or phosphoric acid which, over time, can dissolve the calcium out of a tooth's enamel. Without the protection of the enamel layer, the soft tissue underneath is open to bacteria leading to cavities and tooth destruction. Over time, the acid can also weaken gums and jawbones.

Getting a cavity filled is bad enough, but diseased and weakened gums and jawbones are a leading cause of tooth loss. Soda today, dentures tomorrow.
Tips on Cutting down on Soda to Protect Your Teeth From Tooth Decay and Dental Problems

The best thing to do? Cut out sodas.

* When drinking sodas, don't sip them slowly. The longer the soda stays in the mouth, the more time the acid has to erode tooth enamel. This is one time when drinking fast is actually a healthy decision.
* Use a straw. Drinking through a straw means less of the soda will be in direct contact with a tooth's surface.
* After drinking a soda, drink water to rinse away some of the acid.
* Substitute other drinks for some sodas. A glass of cold water is nice. Or drink some herbal tea. But stay away from too many fruit juices or fruit drinks as they often contain a lot of sugar.
* Consider using one of the new pro-enamel toothpastes that help protect the tooth's outer layer.

Remember, nature only gave people one set of adult teeth. Take care of them and they'll last a lifetime.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 7- Feb- 2011 0 comments

Experts say you won’t find true joy in a paycheck or miracle wrinkle-remover. According to happiness researcher life circumstances account for only 10% of happiness. Half depends on our genetic “set point,” which is kind of like the weight our body bounces back to after that crash diet. And about 40% of our happiness is influenced by what we do deliberately to make ourselves happy. Next time you need to turn around a hellish day at work or brighten up a draggy afternoon, try one of these proven tips to lift your mood and make you smile.

1. Flip through old photos

It can actually make you happier than a square of chocolate would! Looking at old photos or photos taken during a vacation made people feel better by 11%! To keep your spirits high at work, upload your favorite pics to your computer and set them as a rotating screensaver. Or splurge on a frame that flips through digital photos.

2. Munch on nuts

Alternatively, add salmon to your lunch. They are both packed with omega 3 fats which make people less prone to depression and easier to get along with.

3. Inhale a calming scent

In a recent study, researchers wafted the smell of oranges before some participants and lavender before others. The two groups felt less anxious, more positive, and calmer when compared with participants who were exposed no fragrance at all.

4. Draw your shades open

Let the sunlight stream in when you first wake up, making you feel happier in seconds. In a study, more than 450 women found that those who got the most light, particularly in the morning reported better moods and sleep. Try to have your breakfast near a window that gets plenty of daylight, and put exercise equipment near a bright view.

5. Walk around the block

If you work in a windowless office, make sure you step out to see the sun a few times throughout the day. Studies show that people who get more light exposure during the day have fewer sleep problems and less depression. Evidence suggests that light can keep you alert and productive.

6. Clear away clutter

Disorganized heaps of paper in your cube or on the kitchen counter can make you anxious.

7. Think fast

Turn your thoughts into a race, it can lift blues in minutes. For example, when someone is driving you mad, give yourself 30 seconds to make a list of all the ways he or she has been helpful to you in the past - you will feel better fast. Researchers believe that rapid thinking may release feel-good brain chemicals - or it could just be a helpful distraction.

8. Watch a funny video or read jokes online

A hearty laugh produces a chemical reaction that instantly elevates your mood, reduces, pain and stress, and boosts immunity.

9. Put on a happy face

There is a good evidence that just smiling and looking like you are happy will make you sunnier. Studies ha shown that even muscular changes in your face can elevate your happiness, as can good posture.

10. Zone out

Rest, peace, quiet, and solitude can also create joy.

11. Chat up a friendly neighbour

Socializing with a cheerful person in your neighbourhood increases the likelihood that you'll be happy.

12. Do a good deed

People who volunteer are likelier to be happier than those who don't - regardless of how much much money they make or other socioeconomic factors.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 7- Feb- undefined 0 comments

Here is how you can benefit to shed that stubborn weight.

1) Do not try to do EVERYTHING at once

There are times when we overcommit ourselves, pledging to amend and adopt anything and everything healthy possible in the run to shed those tough pounds. We have these new routines on top of our daily routines and the next thing we know, we are slaves to our unreasonable goals. Start small and stick to it. Snack on fruits and veggies only and have smaller lunch and dinner. Cut off all sugar, especially during breakfast. They will add up over the long term and so too will your weight loss.

2) Plan ahead

Planning is the key to success. The simple act of planning ensures that we are never caught off guard. Ideally, we should start each day knowing what we will eat for every meal and snack, what foods we need to take with us and what we are going to buy.

3) Clear out your cupboards

Most of us are easily tempted with foods such as chocolates, biscuits, potato chips at home. It is human nature to eat food when we see it, so replace these with key items for those nights when you get home late. Limiting your chances to eat treats is absolutely necessarily and will make the process of reaching your diet and lifestyle goals much easier.

4) Have soup

Any diet that contains a fewer calories that you are used to leaves you hungry easily. A simple trick is to eat a thick vegetable soup to provide mass without many calories. A soup based on leeks, celery, onions and garlic will not only provide nutrition but also help to draw excess fluid from the body, leaving you feel light and less bloated.

5) Go alcohol free

Giving up in alcohol in the early stages of weight loss is vital. Health experts has confirmed that high-alcohol diet would be the easiest way to put on weight. Successful weight loss is all about oxidizing or burning. Not only does alcohol put the brakes on fat loss, it is also one of the most effective ways to slash your testosterone levels. Go alcohol free for a month may be the kickstart you need to see the change in the scales, to find out how much you really have been drinking, and to consider if you are drinking for enjoyment or out of habit.

6) Go nuts

A portion of ten nuts each day ensures that you get a good dose of healthy fats, protein, fibre and vitamin E. Have them with a piece of fruit as a late-afternoon snack, which will help to ward off the pre-dinner munchies. When it comes to which type to choose, walnuts stand out as the clear winner as they contain exceptionally high amounts of good fats.

7) Pile on the veggies

Eating plenty of vegetables wins hands down when it comes to keeping body weight in check. Always have a couple of vegetables in your handbag to snack on, whether it’s carrots, some celery sticks or cherry tomatoes. Not only will you always have something to satisfy hunger pangs, it also means you are more likely to hit the minimum three portions of vegetables or salad adults should have every day. Unlike fruit, which is carbohydrate-based, vegetables consist mainly of water, so they have virtually no calories, which means you can eat as many as you like without gaining weight.

8) Do not skip breakfast

After going without food for eight to 12 hours during the night, the body is ready to refuel. Putting off eating until 10am or 11am, or skipping breakfast altogether, slows down your metabolic rate and can ultimately lead to long-term weight gain. Recent research found that people lost twice as much body fat when they consumed half their daily calories at breakfast. Good choices include wholegrain toast with one or two poached eggs, low-fat cheese, baked beans on toast, or muesli with yoghurt and fruit.

9) Reduce your dinner

Reducing the size of your evening meal is a powerful way to lose weight – and it doesn’t have to be as dramatic as it sounds. Simply cutting down the portion of protein you normally eat and aiming for a much larger serving of vegetables or salad is all you need to do. So, for example, instead of eating spaghetti bolognese have three meatballs and salad. Alternatively, swap your dinner for soup a few nights a week to reduce your calorie intake, and still enjoy a hearty meal the other nights.

10) Begin with a salad

Eating a large green salad before dinner can reduce your energy intake by as much as 120 calories. It’s that simple. The humble lettuce not only gives the diet bulk and helps you to eat less, it also improves the nutritional profile of your diet in general.

11) Say NO to nightly temptations

Avoid high-energy treats, such as ice cream and desserts, late at night. They can contain as much as a quarter of an adult’s total daily recommended calorie intake, and are being consumed at a time when far fewer calories are used. Cutting them out is often the difference between losing weight and not. In fact, you should avoid eating any food after 8pm to fit in with the body’s natural digestive rhythm.

12) Be smart when eating out

Some cuisines offer better options than others. Indian, Chinese and Thai food tends to be extremely high in fat, whereas Japanese and Greek restaurants have a much wider range of healthier choices. Any sort of raw fish, grilled meat or seafood is great, especially when teamed with a large portion of vegetables or salad. If you are trying to lose weight, be direct with friends when choosing places to eat out and encourage them to visit restaurants which you know have healthy choices.

13) Give yourself a break

Your body doesn’t respond well to long periods of stringent calorie restriction and is powerfully driven to seek food, which may be the reason why someone on a diet faces the intense hunger that makes it so tough to stay on track after experiencing initial weight loss. An easy way to overcome this is to include one meal each week in your regular diet plan that has more calories than you limit yourself to for the other six days of the week. Not only does this give you the freedom to enjoy a special meal, it also gives your body the message that it is not starving and should burn up energy and extra fat as usual. Please note that the idea is to have one meal off, not a whole day, and you should aim for no more than 200-250 extra calories. Such a change
will not adversely affect weight loss; in fact it may even enhance it.

14) Go slow

It takes the stomach at least 20 minutes to register that it has had enough food, which is often a few hundred calories after we’ve put our knife and fork down. Research found that people who chewed each mouthful at least 20 times, in addition to placing their knife and fork down in between mouthfuls, consumed 20 per cent fewer calories during a meal. Always aim to be the last to finish your meal, and take a sip of water in between mouthfuls.

15) Get your friends on board

If your friends are lean, fit and healthy, you are much more likely to be as well. If, on the other hand, they could all lose a bit of weight and you are more likely to catch up over coffee and cake rather than a run and vegetable juice, that’s a problem. It doesn’t mean you have to ditch your friends, but being more aware of the powerful influence they can have over your daily food and activity decisions will help you make changes. If you always meet for a meal or snack, suggest that exercise becomes part of your get-togethers.

16) Shake it up

If you’ve eaten the same breakfast, lunch and snacks for the past five years and your body’s not changing, it may be time to mix things up. It’s likely your body hasn’t had to work hard to digest your food for some time, so the best thing you can do to kick-start it is to change things around and get it working a little harder. If you always eat cereal and fruit for breakfast, swap to eggs and toast for a while. If you usually enjoy a big breakfast with no snacks, change to a small breakfast and add in a mid-morning snack instead. If you have three square meals, go for six small ones.

17) Beat those sugar cravings

Drinking green tea or iced water with a lemon slice are great ways to kill a longing for sugar, as are chewing sugar-free gum and mints. Brushing your teeth is also a proven technique to quell cravings.

18) Keep moving

Move for an hour each day. This doesn’t mean you have to flog your body or see a personal trainer – just move. Learn to incorporate incidental exercise into your daily life, no matter how small – walking to and from the station, taking the stairs, getting off the bus a stop early, picking up the children from school on foot, whatever takes your fancy. The easiest option if you are just starting to exercise is to walk for 20 to 30 minutes first thing in the morning. A walk just once a week, every week for the rest of your life, is going to be much better than a gym class you do for two weeks and never go to again.

19) Do not be a slave to the scales

Never weigh yourself more than once a week, and always do it first thing in the morning. Weighing yourself several times a week, or even every day, can make you give up, as failure to see progress often leads to a feeling that the diet isn’t working.

20) Get a pedometer

An adult needs to take at least 10,000 steps a day just to maintain their weight. If you want to lose weight, you need to bump that number up to between 12,000 and 20,000. The average office worker who drives to and from work will be lucky to manage 2,000 steps each day. If you have no idea how many you are taking, invest in a pedometer. If you discover you need to increase the number, a great habit is to go for a 20- to 30-minute walk after dinner.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times