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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times - - 0 comments

According to a new research, better diet and medical care means one in six of us will live to 100.

Here are some easy steps on how you can reach your centenary.

1) Get a pet

Be it a dog or a cat or a rabbit, pet owners enjoy a longer and healthier life than the rest of the population. U.S researchers also found that stroking your pet can cause blood pressure to drop by 10 percent. Plus, there is a benefit of exercise from dog walking - lowering blood cholesterol.

2) Walk Around

The less time you spend sitting, the longer your lifespan. Studies found that women who sat for more than 6 hours a day had a 37 percent increased risk of premature death compared to those who sat for 3 hours or less.

Sitting slows the metabolism, which can eventually cause obesity. But getting up every 30 minutes can dramatically reduce the bad effects.

3) Stay Happily Married

Scientists found that married men were 6 percent less likely to die in a seven year period than single men. The death risk dropped by 2.9 percent for women. Psychologists shared that being happily married enhances the feelings of security that lead to someone taking a more relaxed approach to life.

4) Keep the Faith

Attending a religious service at least once a week could you live longer.Experts found that church goers were 28 percent less likely to die in a six year period. They tend to smoke and drink less, take physical exercise and maintain stable marriages.

5) Make Money - and Share It

Being wealthy or well off triggers the release of a hormone called DHEAS (or dehydroepiandrosterone), which has been linked to longer life. U.S researchers found that older people who were helpful and generous to other lowered their risk of dying early by up to 60 percent, possibly because they were not burdened with as much guilt and stress.


A Dutch study of 1,000 men and women aged 65 to 85 found that those who were positive about the future and relationships had a 55 per cent lower premature death rate.

Another U.S. study revealed that pessimists lived an average 12 years less than optimists.

‘It’s likely that optimistic people have lower levels of stress hormones,’ says Dearbhla McCullough. ‘Also, negative people are less likely to self-check for serious diseases such as cancer, which could affect their lifespan.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times