Omega-3, or commonly referred to as the "good fat" are essential. They are necessary for human health but our bodies can't create them. We have to get them through the food we eat.
Omega-3: The Good Fat
You may have been advised to reduce or eliminate all fat intake but not all fats are unhealthy. Omega-3 is rich in health benefits. Studies suggest they help lower the risk of heart disease, the nation’s top killer. They may also protect against symptoms of depression, dementia, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3s are found in salmon, nuts, leafy greens, and more.
The Omega-3 Alphabet
Omega-3 fatty acids come in more than one form. The types found in fish, called DHA and EPA, appear to have the strongest health benefits. Another form known as ALA is found in vegetable oils, flaxseed, walnuts, and dark leafy vegetables such as spinach. The body converts a small amount of ALA into EPA and DHA, and ALA also has some health benefits of its own.
How They Fight Diseases
Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to help fight disease by reducing inflammation in the blood vessels, joints, and elsewhere in the body. They also decrease the risk for an abnormal heart rhythm, reduce levels of unhealthy fats in the bloodstream, and slow the rate of plaque build-up in the blood vessels. Our bodies can’t make omega-3s, so we must get them from our diet.
Omega-3 and Heart Attacks
If you’ve had a previous heart attack, omega-3 fatty acids may help lower the risk of death from heart disease. Studies show a reduction in heart attacks and sudden death among heart attack survivors who boost their levels of omega-3s. This includes people who take fish oil supplements and those who regularly eat fatty fish, such as salmon or lake trout.
Omega-3 and Arrhythmias
Omega-3s seem to have a stabilizing effect on the heart. They can lower heart rate and reduce the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms. Several common sources of omega-3s are shown here: fish, walnuts, broccoli, and edamame, green soy beans that are often steamed and served in the pod.
Omega-3 and Triglycerides
Omega-3s can lower your level of triglycerides, a type of blood fat that’s linked to heart disease. Triglycerides collect in the bloodstream and in the body's fat cells (seen here). Unfortunately, omega-3s increase cholesterol – both the “good” (HDL) and “bad” (LDL) kind. People with high triglycerides should consult with their doctors before taking omega-3. Eating more omega-3-rich fish is generally safe.
Omega-3 and High Blood Pressure
There’s strong evidence that omega-3s lower blood pressure. The effect is small, though. If you have high blood pressure, eating fish could be helpful along with other dietary changes and medications, as recommended by your doctor. One strategy is to replace red meat with fish during some meals. But it’s best to avoid salty fish, such as smoked salmon.
Omega-3 and Stroke
The evidence is mixed on whether omega-3 can help prevent strokes. It curbs plaque build-up inside blood vessels and has anti-clotting effects, so it may help prevent ischemic strokes, the type caused by clots or a blockage in the arteries. At very high doses, omega-3 supplements might increase the risk of hemorrhagic strokes, the less common type that involves bleeding in the brain.
Omega-3 and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Studies suggest omega-3s can reduce symptoms such as joint pain and stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. A diet high in omega-3s may also boost the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Omega-3 and Depression
Omega-3 fatty acids may help smooth out mood disorders and make antidepressants more effective. However, results of studies have been mixed so far. Countries with higher levels of omega-3 in the typical diet have lower levels of depression. Although more studies are needed, the evidence so far is promising.
Omega-3 and ADHD
Some studies suggest omega-3 supplements may ease the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We know omega-3 fatty acids are important in brain development and function. Although evidence isn’t conclusive and a diet supplement can’t offer a cure-all for ADHD, omega-3s may provide some added benefits to traditional treatment.
Omega-3 and Dementia
The jury is still out, but there’s some evidence that omega-3s may protect against dementia and improve mental function. In one study, older people with a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. More research is necessary to confirm the link.
Omega-3 and Cancer
Omega-3s may help reduce the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and advanced prostate cancer, but more research is needed. The American Cancer Society recommends a diet that includes fish, but the organization stops short of endorsing omega-3 supplements for cancer prevention.
The Catch of the Day
The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish, though some varieties deliver a higher dose than others. Top choices are salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, anchovies, and tuna. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings a week of fish, which is 3.5 ounces of cooked fish or ¾ cup of flaked fish.
Omega-3 Supplements
If you don’t like fish, you can get omega-3 from supplements. One gram per day is the amount recommended for people with cardiovascular disease. At high levels, omega-3 can increase the risk of bleeding and may interfere with some medications. Fish oil also may deplete vitamin E, so some supplements include vitamin E. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking omega-3 supplements.
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