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Posted by India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times 28- Dec- 2010 0 comments

Temptations are hard to resist. Who doesn't love all that food spread on a buffet?

However, it is time for you to take a step back and think carefully before you put that food in your mouth. According to experts, these types of food can actually accelerate the aging process.

1. Carbonated Drinks
They are high in sugar content and very low in nutrients. Sugar in these drinks can also lead to obesity, thus increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Researchers found that by drinking a can of carbonated drinks every day could cause a person to gain weight of 7 kg a year.

2. Sausage
Unfortunately, this can trigger colorectal cancer risk. The culprit is the N-Nitroso substances which are carcinogenic. This substance is formed when nitrite is mixed with additional ingredients of processed meat.

In addition, the sausage is usually made from lean meat. Chemicals and other additives in sausage will force your liver to work very hard to neutralize it.

3. Coffee
It contains caffeine. The important thing is not many people know about caffeine is a substance that has been proven to increase stress hormones, and its effect can last for hours after consumption.

In fact, one of the greatest contributions of premature aging is a stress hormone called cortisol. High level of cortisol in your body will make your muscles fatigued and shrink faster than it normally would.

4. Chips and French Fries
These foods are processed by frying at very high temperatures, thus triggering the formation of trans-fat. The habit of eating foods containing trans-fat is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.

5. Sugary pastry
These foods contain lots of sugar that can lead to obesity. Pastry is often made with hydrogenated oils that also contain trans-fat.

Hydrogenated oil is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make it more compact and easier to store. However, this chemical process also produces trans-fat. Examples of this hydrogenated fats process are margarine or butter.

Trans-fat increases the risk of heart disease more than saturated fats, because it can suppress good cholesterol (LDL) and increase bad cholesterol (HDL) in blood circulation. In addition, the combination of sugar and trans-fat will make the pancreas and liver work harder.

6. Red meat
Red meat does contain proteins that are important for tissue repair. However, eating too much animal protein can also trigger the loss of calcium from bone, thus inviting the risk of osteoporosis. Some research suggests that high protein intake in middle age could cause poliarthritis with inflammation, in which inflammation could occurs in more than one type of joint.

7. White rice and white bread
These foods contain only little fiber and categorized as foods with high glycemic index. Such foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly potentially increasing the sugar levels rapidly.

This will also make the cell aging more quickly thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, gall bladder, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and some cancers. Other foods with high glycemik index are mashed potatoes, wheat, processed and sugary cereals.

According to experts forcing your body to process food very hard will invite free radicals. If the anti-aging food intake is insufficient to fight the free radicals then the body may age quicker and more susceptible to disease.

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times